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Seegene Holds Company-wide Workshop for 2nd Half of 2014

Jul 05, 2014

Seegene held a company-wide workshop for the second half of 2014 with all executives and employees in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do on July 4th and 5th.
The workshop was held to review the first half of the year, to share the direction for the second half, and to build consensus and ties among employees.
On the first day, presentations were given by each of the departments on strategies for attaining goals, and a management meeting was held. To strengthen ties among employees, especially those who are not acquainted with each other due to their work process routines, employees were grouped in a way that combined different departments, and had free discussions on their ideas regarding a desirable organizational culture. Everyone had the opportunity to broaden their view, come to understand each other, and improve their communication.
On the second day, a “Seegene Field Day” was held, which was a first in Seegene’s history. Both employees and executives joined the event and had a great time strengthening teamwork.
In an effort to improve communication and motivate employees, Seegene provides a chance to participate an overseas workshop twice a year to their excellent employees.