Seegene Inc
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Sustainability Management

Seegene commits itself to promoting health for humanity and fulfilling responsibility
in the Environmental, Social and Governance areas in journeying towards sustainable development.

Human Rights Management Policy

We have established our human rights management policy to deliver on our commitment to human rights management. This policy will guide our efforts
to promote human rights for all employees and protect the human rights of
our stakeholders.

Human Rights Management

As a leading global total healthcare company in the molecular diagnostics sector, we respect the human rights
of our employees and all stakeholders across our entire business operations, and endeavor to advance human rights management.

We honor a wide array of global initiatives adopted and declared by international organizations in relation to
basic human rights, including but not limited to

  • the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nation

  • the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

  • the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

  • fundamental ILO Conventions