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Seegene HPV product evaluated to be appropriate for Australia’s national screening program

Oct 04, 2018

At the 32nd International Papillomavirus Conference (IPVC 2018) on October 4th, Seegene presented the findings of studies that Seegene HPV product is appropriate for Australia’s national screening program.

In response to the cervical cancer exam’s conversion into the national screening in 2017, the VCS Foundation, the Australian organization specialized for public health of HPV, chose and presented the research result of Seegene Anyplex™ HPV HR Detection among the products that could identify the high-risk HPV types that causes cervical cancer.

Dr. David Hawkes, the assessment supervisor, said in the symposium during IPVC, “Seegene product has the excellent sensitivity and specificity as well as the ability of testing 14 types of high-risk HPV simultaneously”. And he has also pointed the greatest advantages of the Seegene product as its efficient and convenient platform that can apply massive national screening program, and its high genotyping accuracy. Furthermore, the test results of 303 self-collected samples with Seegene product also showed the equivalent level of results, which made the HPV test more convenient.

Dr. Suzanne Garland, the advisor of WHO for prevention and test of cervical cancer and the IPVS founder, was invited as a chair for this symposium. In addition Dr. David Hawkes, Dr. Hugo Sousa from Portugal, and Dr. Laurent Belec from France were invited to present the results of studies using Seegene product. Especially, Dr. Hugo Sousa presented that Seegene product is very appropriate since it could even detects and identifies not only a particular high-risk HPV types but also other types in terms of HPV vaccine effects and changes. Furthermore, Dr. Laurent Belec emphasized that he discovered a new HPV type in Africa, and the excellent technology of Seegene product was very helpful to discover it.

The IPVC held in Australia is an international conference that recognizes its academic value as a specialized in human papillomavirus (HPV). The next conference, the 33rd IPVC, will be held in Spain in 2020.