Anyplex™ MTB/NTM Real-time Detection simultaneously detects and differentiates Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) with non-tuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM). Based on Seegene’s proprietary DPO™ technologies, this assay performs on multiplex real-time PCR instruments and provides prompt and accurate result for efficient diagnosis and treatment of TB patients.
Simultaneous detection of MTB & NTB
Reagent for DNA Detection is provided, purchase of DNA extraction kit is unnecessary
Wide range of applicable specimens
Multiplex real-time PCR with high sensitivity and specificity by utilization of DPO™ technology
Utilization of the UDG system to prevent carry-over contamination
Automated data interpretation and LIS interlocking with Seegene Viewer
The results indicate the detection of MTB infection in the FAM channel, and the NTM in the Cal Red 610 channel.