Accurate and rapid identification of major respiratory viruses (Flu A, Flu B, RSV, MPV, AdV, HRV, PIV and SARS-CoV-2) allows attentive patient care and effective infection management.
Syndromic test for respiratory viruses
Mass screening
Maximized efficiency
Analytes | Specimens | Compatible instrumentation |
Analytes •SARS-CoV-2 (N/S gene, RdRP gene) •Influenza A virus (Flu A) •Influenza B virus (Flu B) •Human respiratory syncytial virus A/B (RSV) •Human metapneumovirus (MPV) •Human adenovirus A/B/C/D/E/F (AdV) •Human rhinovirus A/B/C (HRV) •Human parainfluenza virus 1/2/3/4 (PIV) •Exogenous Internal Control (IC) |
Specimens •Nasopharyngeal aspirate •Nasopharyngeal swab •Bronchoalveolar lavage •Saliva* •Combo-swab (Nasal swab+Oral swab)* * Validated with SARS-CoV-2 only
Compatible instrumentation •Automated extraction •Automated extraction
•Real-time PCR
Product | Volume | Cat. No |
Product Allplex™ RV Master Assay |
Volume 25 rxns |
Cat. No RV10363Z |