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Apr 03, 2023
Seegene and the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), an international organization specializing in vaccines under the World Health Organization (WHO), have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to utilize Seegene's HPV diagnostic reagent for conducting HPV tests in approximately 50,000 people across eight Asian and African countries, for up to five years from August. This study, known as the 'Global HPV Burden Study', will measure the prevalence of 28 types of HPV in women aged 9-50 by country and will mainly focus on high-risk HPV infection in 18-23-year-olds, with a two-year follow-up period, to identify related factors. The study will establish future policies and prevention programs for cervical cancer vaccination.
Seegene Allplex™ HPV28 Detection is the only real-time PCR product that can simultaneously provide individual genotypes and its Ct values of 28 high- and low-risk types in one test, thus helping to analyze the results. Jerome H. Kim, Director General of IVI, stated, "Seegene has made significant contributions to the response to the pandemic in Korea and worldwide through the rapid development and supply of COVID-19 diagnostic kits. We are delighted to collaborate on this study. IVI will work with domestic and foreign diagnostic and vaccine companies to lead innovation for diagnosing and preventing infectious diseases." Additionally, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will support this research fund, and other institutions such as the US CDC, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and Karolinska Institute will participate.